Which kind of tool can I use to drill bamboo? How to mark and immobilize the bamboo? How to use carving tools to drill a hole? A short tutorial based on a video review of 9 highly skilled bamboo craftsmen from around the world.
Which kind of tool can I use to split bamboo? How to immobilize the bamboo when splitting it? How to split? And how to obtain slats of the same width? A short tutorial based on a video review of more than 18 highly skilled bamboo craftswomen and craftsmen from around the world.
How to design and build multifunction and modulable bamboo crafts? I focus on basic techniques for beginners, sufficient to build any bamboo craft or furniture.
Which kind of saw can I use to cut bamboo? How to immobilize the bamboo when sawing it? Is there any special trick? A short tutorial based on a video review of 7 highly skilled bamboo craftsmen from around the world.
Learn how to make your own large bamboo furniture with a creative and bushy look. DIY, using a craft method for beginners, simple tools, and no metal pieces.
Learn how to build your own multifunction bamboo laundry dryer for hanging small clothes, socks, and underwear. DIY, using a craft method for beginners and only simple tools.
Get some inspiration and ideas from this prototype of an extendable bamboo tripod mount. No glue, bolts, and nuts, only manual tools and a rustic style!