ˇᨆ Mésange (0) — The End, thank you, and next → 🔭

A few days ago, a small multicolored tit (mésange, in French) landed right in front of the door of the tiny house in which I was doing some construction.

To remind me to send the last episode of the Mésange series?

The first season of Mésange is over! Thank you :)

It’s been six months since the series began. I have learned a lot in that time.

I have found that the deadlines, every Sunday, help me to share my work, however imperfect, instead of refining it endlessly. I liked that this series was short-lived, giving me the opportunity at the end to step back, readjust, and re-imagine what comes next. I also realized that exploring, collecting, finalizing, and sharing my research in two languages, every week, is a big job. Even though many of the Mésanges already existed as drafts in my computer’s maze.

You were about 200 to receive Mésange each week.

Two hundred, it is not much in the world of internet “followers”! But each week, when I hit “send”, I remember that 200 people, it is also 200 brains to think and 400 eyes to read. Even more, it is 200 hearts to vibrate and 200 lives, all more unique than the others… Without even counting the fingers!

When I click, as I realize what it really means, then 200 feels a lot. Thank you, my 200 hearts, for having traveled together!

So here it is, the Mésange series is over.

What’s next?

My newsletter becomes my monthly “🔭 Laboratory Logbook”

From now on, the best way to keep up with my explorations becomes my “🔭 Laboratory Logbook,” a newsletter sent every beginning of the month, starting from May!

Over the course of the Mésange series, I have sometimes felt a bit embarrassed to send such eclectic letters quite frequently. Was I contributing to the beauty of the world? Or, on the contrary, was I participating in the informational chaos?

For the future, I choose to keep the regularity and the deadlines, while reducing the frequency.

If you wish to continue to explore with me, to follow my work, then each month you will receive a single episode of my 🔭 Laboratory Logbook. A newsletter where I will summarize my work in progress, my observations, my experiments.

And what if you want to go deeper into one of the themes I explore?

Future series of letters like Mésange — but shorter, more intense, and focused

I really like the concept of short-lived letters, series of newsletters, which mimics natural cycles — birth, development, death, then renewal, etc. I also understand that you may not always be passionate about all the subjects I tackle in my explorations.

So in the coming months, I will be writing “letter series” alongside the 🔭 Laboratory Logbook. Each series will address a more focused theme, a more specific area of research. Each series will be short and intense — for example, one letter a day for a week, or three letters a week for a month.

A bit like the mini-series on acorns (germination, acorn as a food, acorn tempeh), the one on 9 inspiring gardening techniques, or the one about the beauty of the works and gestures in bamboo craft (bamboo house, splitting, drilling).

I won’t be afraid to disturb your peacefulness, because you will choose each time whether or not to participate in these more precise little trips, these mini-adventures, depending on your interest and your availability!

The first short series will probably be on our tiny house, or on my latest agroecological experiments.

You will be able to subscribe to this next series from my 🔭 Laboratory Logbook!

Soon a membership program!

As I’ve seen over the past 6 months, independent research and sharing explorations is a lot of work. And as I was telling you in Mésange’s launch message, I have a lot of ideas on how to make a living from this exploration work.

I’m about to start a first monetization test!

At some point, in one episode of my 🔭 Laboratory Logbook, I will thus offer you to subscribe to a membership program. As a member, you will be supporting my open and free research work. But this membership will also give you access to rewards that I have yet to define precisely!

As you may imagine, I see this membership program as a very interesting experiment. It’s always difficult to know what can really work and what can’t, and the best way to find out is simply to try.

So you’ll find out, with me, how it goes ;)


But for now, after several months of expression, it’s time for me to shut up.

After the extroverted time of expression, here is the silent time of introspection…

A moment of inspiration before the first episode of my 🔭 Laboratory Logbook…

And for you, how was the journey?

I’ve talked a lot during these 6 months, and I’ve received some very kind messages.

If you feel like it, I invite you to write me by replying to this message. I accept everything! A single word (yes, try!), a sentence, or an essay! I love to read your thoughts.

I will read all your messages, I will answer them, but not right now. Because I’m now withdrawing…

Cheers ;)


Would you like to follow my explorations?

To share my experiments, I write a monthly newsletter, called my 🔭 Laboratory Logbook. I send this letter at the start of each month to my gracious readers to update them on my work in progress, my observations, my — hopefully elegant — experiments. I invite you to subscribe below, it is the best way to follow my explorations ;)

Free letter, monthly, 200+ subscribers, unsubscribe in 2 clicks. Of course, I don’t share your e-mail address.

Are you hesitating? Then, why not have a look at my previous newsletters, or check my reader’s testimonials!

Lénaïc Pardon
Lénaïc Pardon

I am a kind of researcher-explorer. I am French, introverted, and hypersensitive. I value a lot freedom, creativity, and altruism. I am curious about almost anything, but I do have a preference for topics around simple living: permaculture, nature, craftsmanship, autonomy, philosophy, the mysteries of life… More about me and my work >